News & Notes from The Sisters of The Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate
Seeking Canonization
We, the Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate, would like to introduce you more deeply to our foundress, Mother Margaret Mary Healy-Murphy…
Jubilarians 2021
On Sunday, April 18, 2021, we celebrated our 2021 Holy Spirit Sister Jubilarians! Check for the newsletter in mid-June for the brief autobiographies…
Celebrating 125th Congregational Anniversary
During the 2018 Christmas holidays our Sisters from Zambia, Africa were visiting our motherhouse in San Antonio, Texas and participated in our Congregational Intercultural Day…
TPR "Fronteras" Interviews SHSp Archivist
Recently Cecilia Gutierrez Venable, our historian and archivist, was interviewed for the Texas Public Radio program “Fronteras” about our Congregation and a new book…
125 Years of Compassionate Ministry
March 10, 2018 was a special day this year, our 125th anniversary as a religious community, Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate…
Celebrating jubilees
This year four Sisters will celebrate Jubilees marking special anniversaries as Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate…
Celebrating our 125th anniversary
This year, 2018, the Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate celebrate their 125th anniversary as a congregation of religious women…
LCWR Denounces the Administration's Decision to Rescind TPS for Salvadorans
The Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate are members of LCWR…
Visit to Sisters in Natchez
I visited Sisters Louise and Dympna in Natchez, MS, October 15…
Being the Presence of Love
This year the theme of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) Assembly in Orlando was Being the Presence of Love: The Power of Transformation…
Christ in the City (CIC) Experience
Nora Ruiz, Ninette Jackson and I spent a week with “Christ in the City in Denver, CO…
Living at the Motherhouse
Many of the Sisters live at the Motherhouse. They each contribute to the atmosphere of the house…
Day Retreat for Women Discerning God’s Call in Their Life
Join with other women discerning God’s call in their lives for a day of prayer, reflection adoration, and sharing…
Honoring Sister Marguerite
On Wednesday, September 13, 2017 the Sisters of the Holy Spirit & Mary Immaculate gathered, after supper, to honor Sister Marguerite Connors for her years of ministry as Archivist for the Congregation, July 2011 – September 2017…
The Catholic Women’s Conference
Sisters Marguerite Connors and Miriam Mitchell attended the CWC on Friday and Saturday, July 28-29, at St. Mary's University…
Our Sisters in Zambia
After Sister Geraldine Klein was elected Congregational Leader and had to return to San Antonio to assume her new leadership role, the Sisters in Zambia nominated Sister Christina Mitchell to replace Sr. Geraldine…
2016 Mercy Project
As I was leaving a presentation on the Year of Mercy at St. Mark’s Parish in April, I was handed a note by one of the planners…
“I was ill and you cared for me…” (Mt. 25:36b)
I am currently involved in pastoral ministry in two nursing homes, in Brownsville, Texas: Ebony Lake and Brownsville Rehabilitation Nursing Home…
“I was hungry and you gave me food…” (Mt. 23:35a)
After retiring from teaching at St. Philip the Apostle school in Dallas, I became involved in a very important ministry known as C.A.M…
“I was in prison and you visited me…” (Mt. 25:36)
On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 –11:30 a.m., I volunteer at Crosspoint at the Summit – our former Motherhouse building…